
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


The attached file is a model that appears to show an anomaly in the graphing of utilization factors in Karamba. Viewed in the XZ plane, the model includes two columns, both W16x50 and length of 5 meters, loaded with 1300 kN in compression, which is just greater than the weak axis critical buckling load.

One column has a node and connecting members at mid height. The beam utilization component shows that the single-element column has a utilization factor of 1.011, while the divided column has a utilization factor of 0.5835. However, the graphing of utilization does not reflect the 1.011 value. Is this an error in the utilization graphing?

Thank you,

Kirk Martini

Views: 508

Replies to This Discussion

Hello Kirk Martini,

the graphical output of the BeamView-component is the ratio between the maximum axial stress in the cross-section and the yield strength of the material.

The utilization values calculated in the Utilization-component (and for optimizing the cross-sections) take buckling into account using an approach similar to the simplified method in EC3.

This is the reason why the results deviate in case of large compression forces.

Best regards,

Clemens Preisinger






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