
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Using squish from rhino with a C#, VB or python component


I am trying to get the squish command from rhino. I know it can be called out using a python script, but I am quite new to scripting but I cant find the squish command in the rhino script syntax.

Any help would be appreciated


Views: 9141

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Thanks !

This is helping a lot.

Have a great day !

Hello guys, 

I've seen and tried the script and
find it very useful.

What I would do is find the way to SquishBack
with a script Where I can assign a series
of curves and
the start and destination surfaces.

Someone can help me to do this thing

Thank you



Could you be so kind to help me with squish and squishBACK for the type of the surface and curves as in attachment [it is a lateral surface of a shoe last]? I don't have an experience with scripting so I'm not able to understand the codes presented in this thread. Eventually I could learn how to make something in VB but some guidelines about how to access some Rhino commands [as Squish and SquisBack from Grasshopper will be of a real help! I've tried the scripts from this thread but doesn't work in my case!

Thank you in advance,







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