
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Using curves to remove an area of a surface, such as windows in a facade

Hey guys and gals... I'm wondering if someone could help me with a problem I have been trying to solve but can't figure out...

I have a list of curves (rectangles in this case) projected onto a surface and I want to remove them to create "windows" in a "facade."  I'm assuming I will use the Isotrim component but not sure how to get the domain squared from the list of curves I have projected onto my surface.... In the end I would like to extrude this to a wall thickness length to bake into rhino and also have the removed pieces(the windows) able to bake separately into another layer in rhino...

I originally got it to work without using Isotrim, but this was only for planar surfaces and the original way I did it will not work with curved surfaces... I'm trying to create this grasshopper def now to be able to handle planar and curved surfaces....

Lastly, is there any way to Extrude a curved surface from the normal vectors within a Evaluate Surface?.. Right now I'm just offsetting and lofting

Sorry if this is confusing, pics and files attatched.... Any help at all would be greatly appreciated



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Hi Jason, in order to control curved surface elevation with multiple objects on it, it's gonna be easier to use reference flat surface rather then work directly on curved surface. I would unroll the surface using some adds-on component from GH or just unroll it in Rhino and then try to use Map On Surface component. Since You have curves mapped on your 3d surface you can use them to Trim Surface. This way you will get trimmed elevation and a lot of trimmed surfaces. If You want to push these windows back then just use Offset Srf. This is one of the solutions.

Ah.. yea unroll would be a good way... do you know of which add ons have an unroll component?

I was using Geometry Gym unroll component but since i got evaluation version for 1 month the pleasure is over now... But you could do it by creating recangle which approximates outlines dimensions of your surface. With a surface curved in 2 directions it might be more complicated but check Andrew definitions here:

and here:

good luck mate !


You could try this approach


Very nice solution !

Wow, don't I feel like a dummy all the time I was trying to figure this out and I didn't see the "Surface Split" component.. Thanks!!! 

I do have a few questions though... it's interesting to me that the rectangles are not even directly on the surface and the split still happens... I have been using "project curves to surface" to maintain that the curves will be right on the surface so they are able to split it..... So, do you know, does the "Surface Split" figure in the projection on it's own?

Also, I was wondering how you set up the GH file without any Rhino geometry.  You start with just the normal "Curve" component and extrude that to get your surface without imputing any Rhino geometry into it.

Robin another question.... not sure if you can answer this or not but I have been trying you method out and it has been working very nicely :) ... except for when the surface is curved like an "s"... your example used a surface with a curved shaped like a "c" and I can can get that to work in my deff too, but when I try to use an "s" shaped surface I can't get mine or yours to work correctly...

They bake somewhat ok.. but they still seem like they are twisted up.. any idea why this happens??


I tried the definition on an S curve and all seemed fine.  I am not sure why you are getting those anomalies.  As for referencing Rhino geometry, when you right click on many of the components you will have the option to internalize the referenced Rhino geometry.  The Rhino geometry is now permanently attached to the GH component.


Thanks Robin, could you possibly post your GH file with the S curve so I can look at it?

Used Solid Difference..


Jissi, thanks so much for taking the time and working with the files I provided!! i hope that they weren't too messy.... This solution works very well

A few questions... do you think the more geometry(the difference rectangles) that is created and used the longer it takes the GH file to process? To be truthful I don't know... Does the creating geometry to do this bog it down more than another way of just using data such as UV params and a then a final extrusion...... I'm just wondering in the case of using something like this on a high rise building and having a hundred or so extra 3D rectangles made to do the removing of the windows from the surface......

On that note do you know of any ways to extrude a curved surface like this? I tried and it works in one vector direction, but I think I need to use every normal vector from every "surface frame" I use for the windows. Maybe this is not possible at all, just wondering.

Thank you very much for putting the time into looking at the files I was using and working with them... Maybe you have some advice on writing my GH file better... 


If you obtain the solid difference with thousands of rectangles.. it will take so much time..

In that case.. (on a high rise building) you need to divide orginal surface so that the process of solid difference works with only a few solids..




And your way with offset and loft is what you want.. surface offset uses every normal vector automatically.. and the rectangles uses their own normal vectors to be extruded as boxes..






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