
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

User object component not editable, icon changed to road hazard icon

Has anyone had a user component become uneditable and the icon of the component changed to the image below? Would appreciate any help. See attached ghuser file.

I have other user components in the same folder working fine and I can't recall making any changes to file names or folder locations that could cause this.

Views: 449


Replies to This Discussion

This display typically indicates that you've "externalized" your user object to a file and the instance in the definition is out of date, or that the file it points to no longer exists. You can fix this by re-internalizing - the only trick is you have to right click in just the right place :) try just to the left of the yellow triangle - all the same right-click options remain available as usual, it's just hard to know where they are due to the display. Right click and pick "internalize" and re-save your user object. 

Thanks Andrew! Awesome. It worked!






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