algorithmic modeling for Rhino
I am getting strange returns from the unroll command, some of the surfaces disappear and some of them do not show up within the rectangle frame, it very well may be something from the surfaces that I am trying to unroll but I would like to have some further insight into why this is happening. Any feedback is welcome.
thank you!
"...but I would like to have some further insight into why this is happening".
We also. X)
You should publish the file or at least an understandable image of that definition. (3.)
sorry. the files are now attached.
May I suggest to use a different workflow:
as soon as you have the surfaces generated, unroll them (along with the generated hole center points). Now you can just draw your holes on the planar parts. Your planar surfaces are easier to fit accurately on a sheet, plus you can maybe figure out a way to have the seams avoid the holes.
I realise I didn't address your problem with the Unroller at all, but I bet you can get it to work now.
Oh my,
I will try that now.
thank you! I'll post once I have a solution.
Cool :) That would be nice.
well, so far, I am unable to unroll the points with the surfaces. I am using FabTools unroll and arrange and the points do not seem to be arranged with the surfaces. they unroll ok (i think) but are all on top of one another, when I input the points in addition to the surfaces to the arrange node, i get
wtf am I missing?
You're still trying to unroll all at the very end of the definition instead of directly after the Isotrim component.
About wtf you're missing: to be honest there are quite a few thing that I think are a bit off (or I just don't understand the reason for), the main (I think) is the U-part of the Isotrim subset domain: it causes unequal spacing between the 'rings'. Also, the division lengths are mistakenly created via a DivideDistance component: you're meassuring the chord length instead of length along the surface.
About the Arrange component: hmm, not sure but there might be a bug there, or we just don't understand how to feed it correct data. Contact Florian to rule out a possible bug.
in the isotrim subset section, are you referring to the group "slice rings into sections"? if so, that part is used to create a purposeful unequal spacing between the rings in order to accentuate the undulation of the overall form while keeping the maximum width of each section less than ~36" in order to keep the sub-panels of each ring able to fit on a standard 4x8' sheet.
the other subsurf component in the "populate subsurf with points" and "remove belly points" groups are to keep the holes from forming on the very top and bottom of the structure and focus them on the sides.
I was using the divide distance component in the "slice rings..." group to make each sub-panel have a slightly different seam line in order to keep the structure from having the seams running along the long axis from lining up and creating a weak area in the structure.
I'll send a message to florian to see if he can tell me if it's my lack of skill or a bug that's causing the issue. thank you so much!
I now understand why you chose to split the rings into unequal pieces, thanks for explaining that. And I get your use of the IsoTrim(SubSrf) component - I completely misunderstood that before...
But that renders my immediate-unroll-suggestion useless, since you are doing all the planning in 3d. ~:/
Anyway: I'm really curious about the end result! Also to identify where my logic strayed off.
Some things I noticed (but might have misunderstood (the significance of)):
* the ribs aren't planar
* light rings intersect with the bolts
* walkway is tilted sideways
* and some more but
in the end it really doesn't matter whether I understand it or not, as long as you do, right?
yes to all of those points!
I'll do my best to address them here
-the ribs are not planar but still exhibit simple curvature, therefore they can still be cut.
-the light rings were bake-able objects to create a light source for rendering only, they will not be actual objects.
-the walkway "catwalk" will be mainly to house the electronics of each ring, the panels that make the walkway will be removable plates and loosely follow the belly of the structure, the orientation/location is defined by a guide curve on the ground plane that can be wiggled to adjust the placement.
i've attached updated files.
I encourage any feedback you have! if you see something that seems off, please let me know! thank you so much for your help.
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