
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear Grasshopper friends.

I am trying to make Quad panel. Though it can be easily done with Lunchbox.

But I want to learn Data tree behaviour and its manipulation.

I want to get a list with the pattern shown in image. I. e four point in a single branch. The pattern is like as indicated with connecting line to index 0 0 1 1 0

And this pattern is repeated with rest of list. So that I could find a closed loop.

 Please Help.

Views: 661


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Hi Sumeet,

I believe paneling tools' component [panel connections] does just that.

editing the tree of points to do the same thing would be too time-consuming (i might give it a try though)

Hi Nikos

Yes it's true that panelling tool easily solve it. But my intention is to attained flexibility with the data tree. Having such ability will definitely be beneficial.

 But I expect there should be option for directly manipulate  data tree. 

I did try to solve it here but data tree structure is still wrong. Can not make a loop of closed polygon.


hi again,

this is my attempt. I really don't like it though... it's very "stiff" and if you want to change your pattern you'd have to go through all those [item] and [cull] components and start changing expresions etc...


Thanks Nikos 

I will look into it.

you can also try this



Nice one with the list item ZUI output.

Thanks Alex

Which version is this?

It seems I don't have Arrlinear component.

Please share GH definition.

It is 0.9.0075

you can find the component in tab Transform/array/Linear Array.

unfortunately i haven't saved the definition.








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