
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Unable to install Grasshopper_0.9.56.0.rhi on Rhino5


I'm using Rhino 5.0  (5.1.20927.2230, 09/27/2012)

on Windows 7 x64

and I'm trying to install the latest version of Grasshopper ( but I can't.

When I open the file,  the assistant shows an error window with this message: 

"This package is not compatible with the Rhino Installer Engine". 

I've been reading on this link:

And I found this:

I'm not pretty sure if the last two links are the solution, but I don't know how to introduce this changes. 
Is there any tutorial or help to solve this problem?

Also I've tried a different thing: change the grasshopper_0.9.56.0.rhi extension to .zip

Then, I've moved all the files inside to the Plugins/Grasshopper folder, but it still opens the previous installed Grasshopper version ( and still notices me about the new Grasshopper version available to download. 

Thank you for your time

Views: 29961

Replies to This Discussion

Did you make sure to unlock the DLL and GHA files for kangaroo?

The Rhino Installer Engine is installed as a part of Rhino. What happens when you drag+drop the RHI file you downloaded onto the Rhino window?


David Rutten

If you mean with the rhi file the grasshopper update? this worked on the end after I repaired rhino in the control panel menu. 

Till now I didn't solve the kangaroo issue. When I install kangaroo via drag and drop into the grasshopper menue. it works fine except the kangaroo physics engine tool. when I restart rhino and then grasshopper it showes me the following error:

Object: KangarooA (level 1)
Ein Aufrufziel hat einen Ausnahmefehler verursacht.

Object: KangarooA (level 2)
Die Datei oder Assembly "KangarooLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" oder eine Abhängigkeit davon wurde nicht gefunden. Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.

Ok whilst typing, my problem got solved. I copied the kangarooLib into the appdata\roaming\grasshopper\libraries folder and pointed rhino as the default application. Afer doing this the kangaroo physics engine showed up ... finally 

A colleague is getting the same error message here trying to install 0.9.0070 running R5 SR7 64-bit...we've tried opening the RHI file itself, tried opening it specifically selecting rhiexec.exe, have tried dragging it into rhino...he's contacting Brian now, is there anything else we might have missed?

1) change Grasshopper.rhi type to .zip - than unpuck to C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 5 (64-bit)\Plug-ins\Grasshopper folder
2)Open Rhino, skip all error messages
3) Go to Tools - options - plugins, than press "install"
4) Find a Rhino.rhp file, located at C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 5 (64-bit)\Plug-ins\Grasshopper (you have created it at step 1 and open it
5) if you have message, that it has been created at other computer, check this link:
6) If all is ok, you should see the grasshopper install window

To elaborate, these are the minimal steps needed:

  • Rename RHI to ZIP.
  • Unpack the zip archive (be sure to keep the folder structure intact!) anywhere you want. It doesn't have to be the Rhino plugin directory.
  • Drag+Drop the *.rhp file into the Rhino viewports. For Grasshopper, that file is called GrasshopperPlugin.rhp


I have a problem.

When i unpuck zipped Grasshopper its still in .rhi type not .rhp.

Whats iam doing wrong, pleashe guys, help me/

My Rhino is Version 5 SR11 64-bit 2/3/15 and I get the same message.






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