
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Is it possible to rebuild separated data tree as two new data trees after using "Dispatch"?

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Hi Otto,

What do you mean by "rebuild"?
By using "Dispatch" component you are already creating two separate data trees from an imported single one:

Did you want to merge back these two separated lists you got from the "Dispatch" component:



Hi, Djordje!

With "Dispatch" I am creating two data trees with same/ old path.

It means that if I have a data tree with paths, for example: {0;1;0}, {0;1;1}, {0;2;0}, {0;2;1} and I split it in two pieces in each of new data trees, from Dispatch I get:

{0;1;0}, Empty; {0;2;0}; Empty

{0;1;1}, Empty; {0;2;1}; Empty

But, what I want to get is two new paths starting zero:

{0;1;0}, {0;1;1}

{0;1;0}, {0;1;1}

Sorry I do not understand you.

Dispatch components "adds" a single branch level to it's input data, so it is impossible for you to have lists with third level path {n;n;n} as input data, and the same branch level ({n;n;n}) after the data exits "Dispatch". It has to be {n;n;n;n} level.

Attaching your .gh file, might be a good thing though.


sorry for incorrections in my examples. I just wanted to show you that I am willing to after Dispatch to build Data trees with new/ fresh paths which start from 0

At the moment I am using Clean Tree, with enabled Clean empty, but still it remains original paths to branches which are not empty.






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