
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

am fairly new to GH. i have created a surface that twists differently depending on the distance to a point attractor and it's falloff, keeping the width of the surface constant.

i am trying (for now) to do 2 things with this:

1) array this system by means of series or range in the Y axis, aligning the array so that at the ends of the surfaces the corners are locked to one another.


2) so that the point attractor allows rotation in both directions, depending on which side of the surface it's on, creating (hopefully) a falloff effect in the twists.

i really hope someone can help me out with this. have attached screen shots and definition.


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As a matter of fact it is always hard to understand the problem with other persons GH. GH sometimes does what is sensible but we do not understand its logic.Anyway if I could be able to perceive your desired result:
1. you should set up a data tree and populate bottom points there, uppers in another one. so You will be able to recall them as many times as you want whether in scripting or series and range . should gradually expand your skills in GH and accomplish it with scripting in VB otherwise you'll not be able in developing complex ideas.
3.To understand why with moving the point ,the twist doesn't turn the other way; you can use a "panel" and connect it to e.g. "min" output. You'll see the numbers produced with your procedure doesn't change meaningfully with moving your att. point the other way.For solving it you should use a vector to introduce direction to your definition.
4. I have changed your definition,(deleted some repetitive useless parts) and added a probable solution for the array. Maybe it is close to your desired one.
5. I have attached a definition I had come across while learning GH, it may help you. It is really nice and dose not include scripting.

hey man. sorry for not replying quicker. thanks so much for your reply and upload. this has really helped. i managed to figure out what i wanted in the end - which turned out a lot simpler than i thought... i'm beginning to notice that it's a normal thing in this program :).

cheers buddy.






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