
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello All,


I am trying to loft between two curve segments (the bottom curve and the top curve – please look at the picture), to create a twisted panel. I am finding that it works with one set of curve segments as seen in figure 1.



But as soon as I create more than one set of curves, the loft goes awry.  I was able to make simple version of what I’m trying to in rhino as seen in figure 2, however I’d like to be able to quickly make changes in the rotation angle in grasshopper.



So far, it seems to work when I isolate one set of points form the curve segments – top and bottom. However, when I try to loft the entire series of points. I end up with a continuous loft, from the first point to the last point, as seen in figure 3.



Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance.


- David 

Views: 4592

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Can you post the gh file please?

Check this definition i posted. It will make these ribbons on any surface with any type of geometry (point, curve, brep)as an attractor and as many attractors as you want.

Thanks Michael!

That blogpost was great, however I am having some trouble executing it in grasshopper (I'm sorry I'm still new at this). Would it be possible for you to email me the GH file please?



enjoy :)







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