
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have to rebuild the facade of the „stellwerk nr.4 “ by Herzog&de Meuron (pictures attached) with rhino and grasshopper.

I started two ways:

- 1st: -create 3 vectors and twist the one in the middle to create a twisted surface

- 2nd : - create a surface and slide one point of the surface out of direction


Unfortunately both ways didn’t work as I wanted.

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Woo Jae Sung has got a nice tutorial for that.


thank you very much

may you post a link where I find this tutorial?

Hi Ralph,


I just checked your files. It seems that you've formed your vectors in an inappropriate way. Can you attach the picture and explain what you want to do -in more details? 

I now attached a picture of the "stellwerk 4"

and the exercise is to rebuild this facade by using rhino and grasshopper (it's an CAD-exercise at my university )

first I wanted to create and dublicate a rectangular surface out of 6 points (4 edges, 2 in the middle) and slide one of the 2 points in the middle. to create a surface which is twisted in the middle.


than I tryed to create 3 vectors in z-direction (displaced in y-direction).

and one of them should have another angle (but the same length).

to create 2 lofts between the 3 vectors to get a related effect as in the original facade.


I hope you understand my problem despite my limited englishknowledge.

I just made a model that make something like the twisted panels of that facade. Is that what you're looking for? If so, then you will need to make the "item selection" an automatic process.
thats exactly what I was looking for .... thank you very much!

Here is a better definition that takes an initial surface and make it panelized as you want:


Don't miss this version! 

thank you so much!

do you know a way how to do it on a non planar non rectangular surface? beacuse H&deM do this on a prism but i am trying to have this effect on an organic shape

thanks in advance


non planar: find base curves that fit your surface curvature -> project or map

non rectangular: trim your base curves to the surface boundaries

H&deM probably used a prism shape, because the solution to that is somewhat trivial...

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