
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Tween Curves GH Vs TweenCurves RH Unexpected Result


I am using Tween Crv component same way i usually do with the similar RH command but i am obtaining slightly different and unexpected results

here is the issue :

Rhino result out of Tween Crv with nr. of curves set to 1 ( i.e. I assume same as GH with factor 0.5 ):


GH , same input Crvs , factor = 0.5

I tried to reparametrize the input Crvs in GH in the hope that resulting curves would finally pass trough point 0,0,0 but nothing happened .

As soon as the blending factor/s differ from 0 or 1 ( i.e. output = crv A or crv B ) i start to have this unexpected results

Does anyone know how to obtain same result as original "Tweencurves" Rhino command ?



Views: 893


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Ivan, that's strange indeed. Try this:

Hi Pieter and thanks for the very useful suggestion

this definition is generating same result as the rhino command tweencurve ( when nr. of curves =1 ) i.e. goal nr. 1 is reached.

My problem is that I am using the blending factor input on GH component tween curve in order to generate the desired intermediate crv or crvs .

Is it possible to modify your definition and use the same well working logic in order to add a blending factor 0 to 1 where 0 = Crv A , 1 = Crv B and all other values between 0 and 1 are generating intermediate Crv accordingly ?

Thanks in advance


Ah, I wasn't aware there was a goal 2. But to answer your question: sure that's possible, try it:)

I take it you'll have figured it out by now, but if not:
instead of smack in the middle using Average, use the Interpolate (linear) component (also from Math > Util tab). That will result in what you get from Rhino's tweencurves (with matchmethod 'None' that is).







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