
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Turn crooked polyline curve into straight polyline curve

Hi Everyone,

Maybe a stupid question, but is there a simple way to turn a crooked polyline curve into a straight one following the xz and yz planes??

Thank you in advance,

Kind regards,


Views: 881


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Well, There is some questions or rules to define. For instance, do the line segments need to keep their exact length (The end may need to either trim or extend depending if the straightening results in a closed polyline) Does the Area need to stay the same? Do any points have specific priorities (for instance would the top segments left or right point need to move to straighten the line, or maybe the line rotates from its center point to straighten) In short there probably many ways but you really cant do anything until you decide what your design parameters are. 

I fixed it! This is enough for me now! Anyway thanks!






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