
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


im learning to use the grasshopper with tutorials but right now im stucked with the offset command cause when i insert the (-D) expression to clear the lines between the areas it appears (UNKNOWN VARIABLE ENCOUNTERED: D ) and the weird thing is that i did it before with no problems can someone help me please....

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it is working fine here for that expression.

thanks for responding but i think we´re a little bit far from point , im actually dealing with this

Well this is what happens when you are not specific in your request ;) we waste time. search offset voronoi in the search bar this question has been asked a lot of times. 

What is the expression you have on the input D?

You seem to be using rhino4 and GH 0.9.014.

This is just a guess an i can't replicate it with current GH. Could you change the name display to short names? Maybe you Need to use the currently displayed input name in the expression, which would be "Distance" not "D".

In fact I just forgot to recomputed after switching the names display...

You need to use the exact naming of the input displayed at the current state. So you need to either switch back to short names display or use "Distance" in the expression.

HEY guys i tried changing the name display before and it didn´t  worked , yes im using rhino4 and GH 0.9.014. BUT IT WORKED THIS TIME so i thank you all for giving this solution, im actually trying to do a more complex structure im gonna work on it now.  THANKS U ALL AGAIN






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