
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello Community

I´m having a problem here. It´s really basic, I guess but I tried to find the error for some time now and I can´t find the mistake... I want to get the tangent Lines from a curve... 

When I hashtag out the for-Loop, it has no problem with the Variable maxDom but when the for-Loop gets activated... tells me that the Variable maxDom is not defined...

What am I doing wrong?

Views: 518


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p.s.: and it doesn´t print the Var.: doms, maxDom and minDom anymore ?!?

Hi Florian,

Indentation in the tanPoints method was wrong.

Check the attached file.


Wow, thank you! I´m at the very beginning. I thought the Identation is for the improvement of our orientatoin in longer files. Huh. Well anyway I learned something and you helped a lot. thanks again...


In python, blocks of code are defined by indentation (loops - for and while, if statements, functions, methods...). Therefore, they are very important.
Take a look at this page for more information. It has an example of correct and wrong indentation.

Hello Djorje

take a loof at this. I´m very proud. isn´t that cool?!? (a bit like a child having walked his first 3 steps :-)


Yes, it looks interesting.





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