
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there,
I have pulled some points on to a polar array of lines, i'm trying to either trim the line to the point with the lowest z value (closet to ground) or create a new line from the start points to the point furthest away (or from start points to all points on the line) any help would be appreciated!

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You forgot to post your code.

Sorry for that! Here they are. 



I'm not sure this is what you are after. Anyway check attachment and reopen your epw weather file.


Hi Hyungsoo, 

Viktoria posted this for me as I was waiting for my account to be approved, but this is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you so much for your time 

Fixed with BCX points per each line for proper data mathing.


I still don't believe that's correct, Hyungsoo?  There is a data tree mystery (GH bug?) using 'Graft' on 'Pull Point' that I wasn't able to solve until I came up with the 'Point In Brep (BrepInc)' idea.  This is your latest, in red, compared to mine in blue.  'BCX' points are red, 'Pull' points (with no grafting) are green:

This is your latest code (below), with my solution baked in blue:

See what I mean?

Hey, Joseph.
Well, frankly, in this case, I have little interest in what is right and wrong.
You methods may be right because the result is the connection of the lowermost points of the points on the surface with a curve.
If Dan wanted it, his setting from the first place  would not be necessary.
I just matched  each sun vector set to each column for pull points.

Yeah, I tried MANY WAYS to do the same thing and failed.  Grafting the 'G' input to 'Pull' creates the error.  Without it, the puzzle here is that pull points in each tree branch are scattered among the 'ArrPolar' curves, yet collectively, they appear to be physically correct.  I tried 'Curve CP' on the pulled points to make the proper curve associations and that failed too.  Hence the extravagant approach of capped cylinders and 'BrepInc', which worked great.

Very weird.  Calling David Rutten?

For example, another approach...


Hah!  Yeah, skip the 'Pull' to lines altogether.  I considered that too, including use of 'Convex Hull', but didn't bother to pursue it.  Too much work, not my project.  ;)  Cheers

I spent a lot of time on this last night...  Got results similar to (same as?) Hyungsoo Kim's solution, but believe it's not correct, based on a comparison to the pulled points and to the original 'BCX' points.

This morning, I took a different approach using 'BrepInc (Point in Brep)', to associate the pulled points with the 'ArrPolar' curves.  I created cylinders on those curves for 'BrepInc'.

This shows the difference between the two methods, mine in blue, Hyungsoo Kim's in red:

This is my solution compared to the 'BCX' points:

And the code:


In a different thread, I created a 'PullT' cluster that does a much better job at associating pulled points with the geometry that pulls them.  It also applies to this thread.  The grafted pulled points are sorted by 'D (Distance)' and only the closest points for each curve are returned.







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