
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm recreating the Japan Pavilion as my first ever Grasshopper project, but I'm struggling with the end structure.

I need to make a diagrid stucture with equally large diamonds over a semi-circular end of the building, but i can't seem to do it.

My plan was to create a diagrid over and rectangle and then trim the diagrid to fit inside the curve with Curve/Curve, Shatter and Point in Curve components, but it does not output the thing i need. 

Could anyone help? I need it in both end of the structure.

Views: 1748


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In my opinion, Using "Region intersection(RInt)" component can be more effective way.


Hi again!

I am having som troubles with the diagrid you made. I want to make supports in all grid points on the base but the component fails when connecting the grid structure to the join component. It states that the point is not in 0 on the z-axis but -15.9e-14 and refuses to do the command?

Also the grid does not meet in the same base points :/

It seems to originate in the fact that the curves and arches does not meet in the exact same spots even though the same surface is used to model it? Can't seem to figure out why?


I don't understand what you mean. I do not use Karamba as well.

And the diagrid from this def. is not actually grid lines. They are closed polyline cells.

Overall I Want to create a structure where both the grid structure and the arches along the x-axis creates nodes in the same exact spot, so that they are connected for a FEM-analysis. 

But when I investigated why the supports does not work as intended, I investigated why. From what I can see, they are not connected in my main geometry even though both the grid and the arches are defined by the same surface. 

When i preview only the loft and the base arches I used to make the loft and surface, It does not seem to go from arch to arch. It does not end on the arche but instead just nearby :/

Hope i make myself a bit understandable, but it's quite hard to explain :)

If, in case you want  line segments of diagrid and intersection points, get this as well.







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