
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I have a mesh and I would like to find the tributary area of a node. I have attached a photo of it. Tributary area of a node is sum of the areas close to that node. I am hoping someone out there knows the answer and can direct me to the right direction.


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Try to use "Sandbox Topology" plug-in.


Or you can use K2Engineering. There is a component which calculates the tributary area for each vertex (voronoi area) and you don't get any duplicate areas from this method.

You need to install Plankton as well:


Thanks- This works. Is there any trick to remove nodes from attached meshing. I do not want these nodes to be considered in my meshing. It is like two diagonal members are crossing each other and no node is formed. Please see attached photo for clarification.

I can understand what you mean, but you think it's possible to remove those nodes while keeping all faces in your mesh?

If you know how mesh is made, IMHO, it doesn't seem to be a possible question.

To do that, you'll have to remove the face and leave only edges alone.

If the term "Mesh" you use is not what I know, it would be better to clarify it's terminology.

Thanks and sorry for late reply. I think it should be possible to triangulate in the way that those nodes do not appear. May be the word mesh makes some confusion as it has surface which fall on each other. Thanks.






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