
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone,

I'm new to grasshopper and i'm trying to figure out how to triangulate an existing rhino polysurface in a way that the triangle shapes would get smaller as the surface curvature gets sharper. 

A picture of the polysurface is attached 

tnx for your help

Views: 744


Replies to This Discussion

There is a surface Curvature component that will give you the curvature value of a surface point.

The MeshMachine remeshing component that comes with Kangaroo (below version 2) has a CurvatureAdaptivity input parameter, which allows you to make the mesh edges shorter in regions with tight curvature. You'll need to convert your polysurface to a mesh first and triangulate it (there are standard GH components for this). I'd start out with a fairly dense meshing, which should help retain the original form during remeshing.

Hello Andres, thank you for your reply.

I followed the steps you have suggested, triangulated the mesh but couldn't connect to the "remesh" tool to get a response.

I've attached a jpg file that shows the result so far. is that the tool you mentioned?









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