
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys,

I am trying to use the "Mesh triangle" tool in GH but am still confused:
Its input is three integers which are an index of each corners.
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be as simple as 4point surface in which you just have to input points.

How do you think i could get an index three lists of points?

I hope someone can help.

Many thanks


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The point list need to feed into a Mesh component (create mesh from scratch) V (vertices) input. A mesh face is a sub-level geometry type within a mesh object. The Triangle Mesh component has an A,B & C input that relates to vertex indices. If had a 1 dimensional point grid (as you do) with 10 U and 10 V, the A,B,C input needs to have a list pattern of '3 index value' paths (e.g.) {0,1,10},{1,11,10},{1,2,11}...

definition showing a 3 count point list, 1 face, 1 mesh object.
Thanks Dirk,

I am a bit ashamed but i don't really understand...:(
I am not sure if you are litteraly setting three integers as you are showing (0,1,2) for A,B,C and then connecting a list of points with three index values to V?
What do you call a 1dimensional grid?

Hope you can find time to answer,


a 1 dimensional list (of points) has only 1 path and no branches - where all points are at the same level in the tree. This is exactly how the points are set up with the Divide Surface component - you can check the tree structure with the Special > Param Viewer component and check the point list with the Point > Point List component.

Lets say you had a U10 and V10 count - 10 points in each direction = 100 points (make sure your frames calculate U-1 and V-1 (right click and type as an expression in the U&V inputs) as this will create the right number of points (not segments)).
You would then need to inform the mesh component what vertices comprise the mesh.
Secondly, you need to create set of faces that are included within the mesh. To do this, you would need to count up through the vertex index and assign the index to the faces. See below.

So now you need to develop a series to count specific patterns of integers to feed into the corresponding face vertex index inputs (A,B,C). You should generate the lists directly from the U & V slider inputs so as to update your count pattern when the subdivisions update.

ah, I see.






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