
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody,

hopefully someone can shed some light on the problem I am facing at the moment.

Would be great.

I have four different paths {0;0},{0;1},{0;2} and {0;3}

 the first path is containing my A-Points

 the second path is containing my B-Points

 the third path is containing my C-Points and

the fourth path is containing my D-Points

After grafting and merging the points into one list I have 21 paths containing

one A-Point, one B-Point, one C Point and one D Point.

If I try to connect all four points by using the polyline component it is connecting all points in the list.

How can I just create one closed polyline for 4 points and then for the next four points and so on?


How could i split the tree into 21 single trees always containing one A,B,C and D Point?

Thank you guys for your support!!!!!!

Views: 373


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Findie,
not exactly an answer to your questions because I'm preventing the issue:
you can just create a rectangle from the line and its offset:


Thank you Pieter !

I read somewhere in this forum the saying

prevention is better than cure.


yes it works just fine like that. I just didn't  know the ruled surface component (the component directly after the offset component).

A really handy component !!!

I'd say that's always true:)
Btw you could also use a regular Loft component instead of the RuledSurface (in this case).

Cudos for providing relevant tags for the discussion!


At least other beginners can profit from my questions and your answers.

out of curiosity

is it possible to split a tree structure into smaller tree structures???

Do you mean separate branches? There are many discussions about this topic at the forum... (let's hope these people tagged their discussions too).
If you want a specific answer please post the definition with the tree.






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