
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Transplant multiple curves at once - potential for a new UI Feature?

When working in on a definition within the gh canvas I sometimes have the need to move all of the connections coming into a single component's node and move it to another component's node.  As far as I know the normal process would be to disconnect all wires and then reconnect them invididually but when in the thick of things figuring out a definition these wires are often leading to many different compoents located all over the canvas.  

So I thought I'd propose a possible solution, which I have called Transplant.  

I imagine this could be found as an additional item within the menu whenever you have right clicked on a component's connection node.  After clicking transplant in the menu, all of the wires connected to this node would become attached the mouse cursor until a new node had been chosen to be transplanted to.

Anyways, Id be curious to know what others think of this feature and if it is something that would help out during definition creation.



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Great idea, I would rather see it as shift-crtl-alt+left-right click (choose correct one)...

Try Shift+Ctrl+LMB


I have to get more familiar with preferences...

Well that is great to know.  May I ask how you knew this was a key combo option?  I've been using GH for 2+ years and have never run across a whole list of features such as this.  

see window->preferences(or ctrl+shift+p)->interface -there are all shortcuts but i cant find this combination (Shift+Ctrl+LMB)

don't feel bad, I knew about rewire, but didn't know about ctr+g until a few months ago :)

The version history of Grasshopper is actually worth reading! :) Rewiring added here - David just sneaks these gems in:

Help --> Version History

Shift + Ctrl + LMB works, or just alt-click the component to copy it while retaining the connections.

I do think more improvements can be made in the interface regarding 'wire handling'.

One of them is to make it easier to connect the output of multiple components to an input of another component. I often have to spend minutes just clicking to connect all the nodes, especially when working with patterns consisting of numerous individual elements. If there was a way to select all the outputs I want to connect at once and then drag them all at once to the desired input, that would be great. Or is there already a way to do it?






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