
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

On the basis of the
waterbomb pattern I would like to generate several amorphe deformed
shapes in grasshopper, while the structure should remain, as you can
see in the images, which show the kind of amorphe shapes, that I formed with a paper model. 
I have already found Daniel Pikers waterbomb base GH file, which was very helpful,
but I don´t know how to connect the elements, keeping it flixible in
several directions to create more than one shape.
Furthermore I´ve difficulties to define the right angles. Or is it easier to project the base element on a surface
defined in rhino and devided by grasshopper? To better understand my problem I added my gh file. I´m relatively new to grasshopper, so I´m sorry, although I cleaned it up the file looks relatively complicated.
Perhaps someone could give me a hint how to go on.


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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Anna,

This is quite a complex thing to try and simulate purely in grasshopper because there is not a clear order of dependency between the elements, but rather their constraints all influence each other.

So it will almost certainly need a scripted iterative approach.

In theory it might be possible to simulate this origami in Kangaroo by triangulating the surface panels with springs. Though in practice I expect making the springs stiff enough would require too small a time step to be workable.

Tomohiro Tachi (the maker of the 'Rigid Origami Simulator') has kindly suggested to me a great idea for a way of improving this, and I do really want to make Kangaroo capable of some origami simulation. It will probably be at least a few weeks before I get time to make this improvement though.

Hello All,

I've noticed that this thread was from some time ago. I am also at the desperate stage of trying to produce the origami waterbomb base but with several connected in a linear fashion of an arrangement of rows and columns.

I have very little experience of grasshopper and parametric design in general and was hoping someone might be able to assist me in understanding how Daniel Piker's GH file works?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Kind Regards,


Hello John,
Things have changed a bit since this discussion, and now simulating such folding in Kangaroo is quite straightforward. In fact the origami example file near the bottom of this page is exactly this pattern:

Hello Daniel,

Sorry for the name confusion but normally I use a fake name on these things but then saw that everyone seems to use their real names so thought I should change mine!

Thanks very much for that. I never saw it before. Is it a new addition? I did notice though that there was an error that came up when it started? Is that normal? I've installed Weaverbird but is there another plugin that I've missed?

Hi John/Mark (which is the real one?!)

The other plugin that it might use is UTO's MeshEdit

Mark! Sorry Daniel!

Ok I'll try that too. Sorry I'm completely new to all this, I realise you must be inundated with questions but if I may, I'd would just like to confirm how this works.

So I attach all of the triangle meshes from the waterbomb pattern with set multiple meshes, and they can be any colour? Then have separate lines in red or blue along the edges of the triangular meshes for the valley/mountain fold section? That's where I'm a little confused. Do I do that, or do I assign different colours to different mesh edges? If so I don't know how to do that. Sorry if this is a stupid question. I've bitten off way more than I can chew with this project. Completely out of my depth with this!

Any would be greatly appreciated.



Hello Daniel,

Ok I've attached a jpeg screen shot of the error message, after installing Meshedit and unblocking it? Once again, sorry for being a pest, I appreciate you're busy!

Kind Regards,







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