
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Topography Mapping onto a Sphere from Topology Maps (planets)

Hi all,

I have recently been commissioned to create some 3d printable models of some of our solar systems planets for full color sandstone printing on shapeways.  At first, I was working with other peoples models, like the ones on THIS website and trying to hollow them out to reduce the volume, leaving thin walls, while also adding a clean out hole.  The hole was meant to be at the "south pole" of the planet, but every time I tried to Boolean out the insides and add a clean out hole in that location, the boolean failed.  However, when I moved the clean out hole to other locations, the boolean difference worked fine.

From doing the meshrepair command, I found that the mesh had a seam that ran from the south to the north pole as shown in this image. I have found that if the clean out hole intersects this seam, the boolean won't work.

I set about to develop a way of making the planets myself, with the ability to control the prominence of features, and hoped to be able to create a closed mesh that could be cleanly booleaned from.

My basic technique was to sample a topology image at the uv coordinates of a flat plane, and then move the vertices of a spherical mesh outwards along their normal vectors based on those values, and then rebuild the mesh.  I think the attached definition will make it clearer.

The issue that I'm having is that my new mesh still has the same seam, and there are noticeable gaps along the seam.  Does anyone have a better way to do this/ a way to ensure that a closed mesh is made during this process?

Again, I have had success in making 3d printable parts from this method as shown in the screenshots, but I really want to know how to make a clean spherical mesh.

Thanks for the help,


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I am not quite sure what you want. Since I never use any plugin in GH since 2009. I don't have human installed.

Here is an example below. Does it solve your problem?

Not really.  The only thing added in your definition is  a vertex color image sampler.  The final mesh from this definition is still not closed and able to be booleaned at the south and north poles.


As long as you use sphere to generate mesh, it's hard to remove seams(ie:naked edges)from final mesh product.

Mesh welding is another option, but it's also not easy.

Try to use "Mesh Sphere" instead as your initial source mesh. Best. 


weld can not weld the seam. very strange.

I tried every move include unweld and explode and join-weld again.

that seam still exist.

mesh sphere solve this one but I can not figure out that seam problem.

any idea?

"Mesh WeldVertices" fr Mesh Edit plug-in which has tolerance setting input would help.

Just tested it.  Works great. That was a simple fix.  Thanks for the help.



try mesh sphere which has no seam.






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