
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

please add tooltip threshold which is essential for tablet users. it is very difficult to hold pen and don't move it even for one pixel (honestly it is very annoying issue)

it was requested several times and i still hope it could be fixed


Views: 622

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Lot trickier than I thought in the end.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

This will come in handy when I'm trying to Grasshopper in the train, if I forget to pay the gas bill in winter and in the unfortunate event I develop Parkinson's disease.

you forgot while riding a horse as well. 

When are you going to need to use GH while riding a horse?


Another possible scenario is crashlanding in the Alps and having to design a parametric shelter in the middle of a blizzard.

This could be usefull if some day someone release a GH client for iOS or Android...

If we do that then writing a fuzzy tooltip algorithm will be the least of our trouble.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

How about for Windows Phone? It's .NET too, and I own one (I think Balmer and me are the only ones).

I guess it would still rank last but fare better proportionally to other troubles.






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