
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey guys!

I am working on a Voronoi structure for a project. First time to use grasshopper, so this script is from a tutorial on YouTube, but the person never showed how to add thickness, I can't use extrusion because it has different directions, so I need help please!

I am uploading the rhino file and the GH file too.

Also, I need to know if anyone knows of a script or a plug similar to what Voronoi 3D does but for a Weaire Phelan, I downloaded BullAnt from GeoGym because I though it has a command for it but I do not see it. I need it to:

1. follow a certain path

2. or form around or inside a certain geometry-polysurface. 

Thank you. 

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Type "Voronoi 3D" into the search bar. It is probably the most asked (and most overused) thing on the forum. 






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