
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Thicken a network of lines with specified half section

Here is a script used to thicken a network of lines which could have a normal direction at each node.

It is similar in function to Cytoskeleton. It is an extension of this tool discussion.

It output mainly quads and sometimes triangles if some lines are not connected. As half sections are quite whatever you want it could be possible to make watertigh model with some smooth exterior and with interiors fins in order to have a better rigidity and a low weight. The script provided contains many examples of use. 

As inputs 


* Points (P)

* Connection between points (LP)

* Point to points connection (PP)

* and a minimum one width (WidtsAtPoint), or a width (radius) for each point. 


* NormalsAtPoint, you could provide one normal per point in order to orient sections

* Number of sections is the number of sections used to generate the mesh (minimum 2)

* Striction a numeric value between -3. and 3 used to modify striction of nodes

* The sections definitions is given through to same size list of double 

  * Lateral coordinates : first and last lateral coodinate must be 0.0 for watertight mesh

  * Height coordinates

Output :

* Many meshes which could be joined

P/LP/PP comes from topology of network, you could use SandBoxTopology plugin or mine component

Views: 16099

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Laurent, WOW! there is a lot of stuff here to absorb. :) I'm exploring your scripts one by one.

Regarding the first WIP script. I have 2 questions:

1. Is it possible to thicken the Sphere, which contains "Arc-like curves" ?
2. What causes the thickened Box not to connect correctly?


Hi Kim

1) it is not possible to  thicken Sphere, which contains "Arc-like curves". But yes that could be done, the best option at the moment is to transform arcs in polylines. But if they become to small they will be problems at node.

2)  The cube didn't work because of normal. You didn't provide normals. They are mandatory for a 3d shape. For something quite planar there is a logic to approximate them. I will try to post someting but I don't understand Rhino crash !!!

Mesh Dual isn't in my numerous plug-ins, second from the top left:






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