
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

The question is:

Is there any good way, that I can change the shape of a point with grasshopper?

When I give a point in Grasshopper it takes an "X" Shape in Rhino. Kann I make an "O" Shape? ... How can I get this done with Grasshopper? Is there any possible way for this?

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thank you

Now how do I "delete" the radius of the circle?

You really need to do some tutorials first....

Anyway... I think that the extend curve component works with negative values, so if you enter negative radius value youll shrink the line.

Pd: for negatives values multiply radius and -1. And remember turning off the preview from the components that you dont want to visualize.

I am doing tutorials the whole time ... extend curve component ... I'll try this ... Thank you ...

I tried the component "extend curve" ... the name of the component explains itself ... you can't "multiply radius with -1" ... It takes only positive numbers ... There is another component called "shatter curve" ... This divides the curve as I want, but I don't know what to do with the output ... The output is two lines! ... I don't know where to put the output inside to get what do I know!

Hi highly advise going through the tutorials. 

could you suggest a good one?

these don't tell me how to delete the radius :D

maybe there are others?

What do you mean by "deleting a radius"?
You want to remove the circle that surrounds the point? Just deactivate that preview of the the Circle component.

Use the CCX component.







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