How persistent is UserText?
It seems like a really valuable aspect of the RhinoCommon SDK for embedding data into Geometry, but I'm not sure how to determine the cases in which it would be inherited or not. At least in Rhino, it seems like copying a geometry will write UserText into the new object, and that it is unchanged by transforms and geometry rebuilds. If I wanted to embed UserText into Grasshopper geometry, would it have the same sort of inheritance as it does for Rhino geometry?
It seems that a set of user text keys and values is a property of all the Geometry classes, so I'm thinking that if one object inherits the Geometry instance of another object (as appears to be the case with transforms in Rhino), that the UserText (or UserStrings) would persist. So if Grasshopper Geometry copies the Geometry instances of RhinoObjects when they are input through parameter components, does that mean that it also copies the UserText key value pairs attached to each Geometry instance?
Has anyone worked with UserText in Grasshopper for their plugins?