
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


This is a continuation from my previous inquiry about testing a number of points for whether or not they are on a surface. First i tried to use the "Test Inclusion" component, but that didn't work very well, because my surface had some edges that matched the untrimmed surface so the points projected where still considered inside even though they're not.

Anyway, I thought i almost figured it out, in a different way. I noticed that the "Surface CP" component also returns a value for the distance between the original point and the CP, so i thought i might use that as a gate for determining whether or not the point is on the surface (distance should be not bigger than zero)

But sadly it still does not work, no idea why... even the points that are supposed to be on the surface, sometime return a very small value :(

I checked that everything is planner several times, so there shouldn't be any reason the projected points inside the surface should have any distance from the original point, but for some reason there is...

Please help :(

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I know, its quite late, but I just came across this question while I was looking for a solution to the same problem.

Try entering a value slightly larger than 0 for the distance. That allows for a certain tolerance (round-off errors)

Best regards


Many thanks Stefan, but does this work if the curve is smooth?

Sorry for not replying faster. I was busy with other things for a while.

I am not quite sure what you mean with "curve is smooth". I would say: it works with anything that is a surface, independet of the boundaries that were used to create the surface.

Best regards






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