
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

i am trying to find a way to test the collision of multiple breps. the goal is to avoid errors in assembly of parts prior to production.

my solution is is using the "solidintersection" button to test breps for intersection.

ive tried some solutions, and have gotten to a point where i can test 3 breps. however, if i add a 4th one it fails. below are the screenshots of what i have in rhino and grasshopper.

any help would be really appreciated!

my breps to test...

my solid intersection

my grasshopper definition...

Views: 2935

Replies to This Discussion

Use the Collision Many|Many component, it will tell you if it collides with anything and is very fast.

Hi Michael,

thanks for your help. It is very fast indeed, and great for a first test. however it is only of help as long as there are no problems in collisions. The geometries i am working with are far more complex than in the example file, so it would be a big help to see the actual intersections/collisons as geomertry, like shown in my second screenshot...

Solid booleans are very slow because they have to create complicated outputs. If you merely intersect the breps and use the resulting curves/points, it could be a lot faster. But instead of volumetric overlap, you'd only get the edges.






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