
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there, I'm trying to conect a tessellation component with some cylinders but its just not working.

Anyone know what might be wrong with my definition?


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The definition appears to be doing what it should be doing.  What result are you looking for?


Hi there Chris, sorry for taking so long, been horribly busy with school :/


Well I was trying to force a tessellation to grow on the cylinder´s path, that component isnt on that definition above, but when i used it it didnt work , it just made the tessellation at the bottom of the lines when i just wanted them to grow above all over the lines.


But i just couldn tmake it work , well i'm not new with this program btu i'm guessing i{ll get it to work eventually :p



Hi Juan Alberto,


Even when you change your approach to solve your project, I would suggest you stick to the same discussion, otherwise you will loose people's attention, valuable input and will delay you in getting results.


I still think that polyhedra or sphere packing are a good bet! and there is something very, very interesting called the Apollonius problem, which can be applied in 3d for spheres with different radii ( not that is very easy to implement as it involves solving simultaneous equations for 4 spheres), in any case this may lead you to another approach! perhaps when Mantis could handle Mathematica code to solve the equations or another approach is implemented using matrices.


As Chris have just said, What is that you are trying to explore?





Hey thanks :D i{ll do that then.....mmm i´ll getg back to you later right now i´m on my way out... sorry xD I´ll tell you all about it later and.....thanks



Hey, sorry for taking so long, well as i explained i'm trying to use polyhedron´s as a way of representinfg the bubbles, without having to use voronoi because its forbidden :p


And what i wanted to do is to force a tessellation on those cylinders... or more specifically on top of the lines that the cylinders are following, but it didnt work, thats just the definition that makes the cylinders follow the lines, i didnt add the tessellation component, i'm using a plug in called structdrawrhino for that, and well every time i conected the tessellation... it formed at the base of the lines but it never filled the lines..... like the cilinders did :/


So thats the hard part :/ ... i just dont know how.



If you can post or email me the model with a sketch or description on what is or is not working, I'll take a look and advise on what can be done.  





Sure Jon, thanks for your interest well I´ll send you a small pdf that i wrote to explain the basics of the project, and i´ll include some of definitions that we have



Nevermind i´ll just post it here instead :p


Thanks again.


Hi Juan,


Not sure exactly what you have in mind, but hope it might help you get started.  Cleaning the data tree of null branches and flattening might be steps that weren't obvious.  Take a look and post any questions or comments.



You do need to download the latest version of SDR, I corrected an aspect with reading my data.


Alright... soo... sorry for not responding <,<... anyways yeah your definition is brilliant, thank you and well now i'm trying to blend several tessellations... mmm not sure how ... for now my team, came up with using dispatches and it does work but they fill in the same space instead of creating different shapes that coexist with each other which is what we want to create.


Well i guess thats the update for now ......we´ll keep working on it :3... btw this is the latest definition in case you were wondering how it looked like :p











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