I am looking into a component that controls light admittance into my space and that will open and close accordingly.I am looking into the tensegrity systens because they allow for different paramorphosis and in the attached examples which I am looking into i.e the two way one the one triangle to be the closed option and the inverted one as the open one,.
I am not sure how to work on it in grasshopper though,..how to experiment with those transformations how generate the transformation
Many thanks
Perhaps Geiger's Cabledome structures will be of use as they are based on a square grid and create a roofing apparatus. I've attached two images from my course notes and here's a link to my professor's publications . Professor You also does a lot of research with deployable structures so you should find something of use among his work.
they do but making the actual physical model was quite a struggle as the choice of materials are quite important.I 've downloaded kangaroo yesterday but haven't managed to do anything as yet. Thanks for the links and help. Have you worked on tensegrity or tensile structures yourself?