algorithmic modeling for Rhino
I am trying to create a tapered box structure in Grasshopper (see image), and appear to have already run into problems. I can't seem to get a surface on this structure? Presumably because I have drawn this wrong in the first place?
The intention is to run this geometry into a spherical structure - which I am also struggling with. I presumed I would build a sphere, and put a square structure onto it, which would then be extruded? but no idea how I would go about doing this.
any pointers would be gratefully received!
many thanks!
Hi Natasha,
Is this what are you looking for:
You can regulate the sizes of both top and bottom squares, sphere radius, and elevate the center position of the sphere and bottom square by using the sliders on the right side of the definition.
I was not sure if you would like one of these two bodies to "drill" the other one, so there are four combinations for baking - both objects intact (whole) and both drilled. So choose the ones you prefer.
That was exactly what I was trying to achieve - I cannot thank you enough!
No problem.
Just one question: I noticed a lot of people from London here with similar questions, probably architectural students.
Does your question relate to particular homework from your faculty? To be precise: do you have a particular subject dedicated to Grasshopper? On what year of studies?
Hello! yes, I am on a unit that is dedicated to Grasshopper, I think there's about 17 of us. We are encouraged to use the forum for our training, and it has proved very useful to myself and others in my unit. I am on my first year of my part II (so 4th/5th year?). A few of us are only just really starting to get going with Grasshopper, being the beginning of the year & new to the program - I hope we're not overwhelming the forum with all our questions!!
Not at all.
We are all here to learn something and ask questions.
That "unit" you mentioned - is that some kind of subgroup of a field of studies? Or is a that Grasshopper unit, just one of the subjects all 17 of you chose to study?
Yes - our entire year is split into 6 units (so about 20 people to each unit), and each unit dives a slightly different approach to architecture, with differing themes. My unit has a blog, if you are interested in seeing what my unit is about:
I believe my unit (called DS10) is the only one focused on using Grasshopper as their drawing technique, but the whole year also has to do a computer-based module, from which we can choose to learn a certain program. I have chosen Processing, but there is another that focuses on Grasshopper. So two groups in the year are learning Grasshopper in total - roughly 40 people out of 120 I think.
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