
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Why is all Tangent vectors at division points from same curve directing different ways?

How can I make them directing same ways?



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What direction do you want the planes to face?

Tangent vectors are tagential to the curve at the point of division. Only for straight lines the tangents are the same at every point.


I was expecting to at least all of x vectors (Red) from the same curve to face outward just like others and all of y vector (Green) to upward. 

oh... ok, missed that.

You are creating planes from origin and z-axis. I don't see any obvious way to orient the planes so that they are aligned regardles of the direction of the z-axis. How should the x-axes point if your curve goes up?

I'm away from my gh computer but I think the "perpendicular frames" component will orient all the frames in the same direction.  Curves->division's definately on the curves panel.

Thanks Chris,


I wanted to use "perpendicular frames" but it needs t value. If I have only "points" for the curve. How can I get t values for each of points. 

Use the CurveClosestPoint component.



That was it!! 

Thank you guys!!






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