
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How come I get a different result from the tangent component than i get from a calculator inputing the same value?


Tan(3) = 0.052407779283 on my calculator.

But if i put 3 into the component i get, -0.142547


Views: 497

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Deg / Rads?

degrees,  ah, ok, i just ran the degree into the radian component and am getting the correct result.  damn those radians!  thanks for reminding me.

edit: wish there was a hint on the inputs that like radians

There will always be an argument for and against using Radians in GH, but the thing to remember is that since time began programmers use Radians.

Think of yourself as a programmer, you therefore use Radians :)

How about being able to switch between radians and degrees for any angle input through a rightclick menu item? It could still be set to radians by default.

Alien life-forms (when they get here) will also use Radians.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia





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