
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear all,

I ported a simple system dynamics example to Grasshopper - the sheep and wolves polulation dynamics:

Using the wonderful anemone loop component it works in principle. The result seems to be ok, but is different from the expected outcome compared e.g. with a NetLogo simulation:


Grasshopper (red = sheep, blue = wolves):

The differnce is obvious, but I don't understand where it comes from. I used the expression component for modeling the individual aspects. Could it be some numerical problem (rounding)?

Thanks for some hints.

Best regards


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Very cool.  I don't now if your model is correct (though it looks very simple), but I can modify input values to produce a more similar result by decreasing 'Sheep Birth Rate' and increasing wolf 'Predation Rate' and 'Predator Efficiency' values.  Are you sure you're using the same initial assumptions?

Thanks. I checked all parameters and formulas, but they are the same as in the NetLogo simulation. I also implemented the whole thing with a C# script (attached) to ensure that also the sequence is the same, but the dynamics are still different to the original NetLogo one...


Apologize to all who spend some time looking into this. After writing the last response I checked again the sequence of all depencencies and finally found the issue there. Now, it works as expected. Corrected files are attached.

Best regards








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