
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I'm trying to create a model of Swiss Re tower on Grasshopper for a class. I'm new to grasshopper so I'm not very familiar with how to create the overall shape. For those who are not familiar with the tower, I have added an image"/>

The project requirements are roughly 
  • Floor plans are roughly circular
  • Overall tower height is adjustable
  • Twist of tower is adjustable
  • Floor-to-floor height is adjustable
  • Profile of tower is adjustable
  • Floor plans are laid out flat on the XY plane in grid
  • Number of vertical flutes in floor plan is adjustable

I have attached some movies.

Does anyone know how to make the number of vertical flutes in floor plan adjustable like the ones in the ? I'm really stuck on this part

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One approach to get you started:

Make some Number sliders for your user variables.

Then based on these values:
1) Generate a Spine Curve
2) Generate a Profile Curve
3) At each Floor Calculate Radius
(distance from Spine to Profile)
4) Create Circles at each floor
5) Rotate Each Floor by twisted amount
(according to height of floor)
6) Divide each floor by number of Flutes
7) Flip Matrix of Flute Points (version 0.7)
(if using v0.6 then search flip matrix on site for method)
(Rows to Columns)
8) Interpolate Curve through Flute Points
9) Mirror Flute Curves
10) Create display grid
11) Make a vector 2Pt from the floor centre
to the corresponding display point
The Generative Algorithms in Grasshopper book available as a download through this site has a step-by-step tutorial in it on creating a GH definition for the Swiss Re tower.

Thanks, That helps a bit and the manual helps also, But i seem to have trouble drawing the arms of the tower. If someone will look at the and help me out that'll be great! I have trouble drawing geometries on grasshopper...
Watching your movie, it looks like you're task is a different arrangement than swiss re. I guess it assumes on what you include in your floor plate section, but I'm assuming in Swissre the floor plate is circular, all the intersection points of the diagrid members occur at floor level. The profile the movie shows seems to wrap adjacent exaggerated diagrid protrusions in pairs.

Maybe my examples will help you define the grasshopper logic, I don't know how it compares to Grasshopper manual examples. I've used a simplification of swiss re as an example of my plug-in use. Latest version was this blog post I think
Indeed my task is different, I have checked out your examples but that further confused me. Sorry I'm new to grasshopper and trying to learn it. I'm just wondering if anyone knows how to draw that plan with grasshopper. So far that is the only component that I'm lacking....

a demonstration would be great!
well, i'm trying.... But I can't figure it out myself. thats why I'm asking you experts for help....






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