Dear Discussion,
Has anyone successfully created a sweep 1 with a node in GH? I have tried but get some error " ... Attempted to read or write to protected memory....". I have taken a look at the examples on the rhino website but cant seem to understand why it takes a 100 lines of code to extrude a profile along a path, so its hard for me to follow. I know am not the best coder, but I'm trying. This is the code I have put together based on others attempts:
Private Sub RunScript(ByVal rail As OnCurve, ByVal section As OnCurve, ByRef A As Object)
'create sweep arguments
Dim args As New MArgsRhinoSweep1
'create arravy of sections, this is the required format to feed the sweep arguments
Dim sArray() As OnCurve = {section}
'create polyedge, this is the required format to feed the sweep arguments
Dim edge As New MRhinoPolyEdge()
'Add rails to sweep arguments
args.m_rail_curve = edge.Duplicate()
args.m_bClosed = True
'Add sections to sweep arguments
args.m_shape_curves = sArray
args.m_simplify = 0
args.m_rebuild_count = -1 'Sample point count for rebuilding shapes
args.m_refit_tolerance = RMA.Rhino.RhUtil.RhinoApp.ActiveDoc.AbsoluteTolerance()
args.m_sweep_tolerance = RMA.Rhino.RhUtil.RhinoApp.ActiveDoc.AbsoluteTolerance()
args.m_angle_tolerance = RMA.Rhino.RhUtil.RhinoApp.ActiveDoc.AngleToleranceRadians()
Dim sBreps()As OnBrep = Nothing
Dim Sweep1 As New List(Of OnBrep)
If (RhUtil.RhinoSweep1(args, sBreps)) Then
For Each b As OnBrep In sBreps
End If
A = Sweep1