
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi and happy new year yall
Long time no post! We are currently working on the development of a competition project we have won (woohoo) to try to develop the shape and be able to update the construction concepts with grasshopper.
It's basically a wood fence that merges with a set of small buildings, stay jst a simple fence or becomes a pergola.
I have started to create a messy definition that probabyl needs some optimisation, but there one thing I cannot get to wok: I have a parametric section defined, that is placed at the start point of curves that i want to use to sweep this section along.
The seep 1 rail command doesn't accpet it. Anybody has a clue?
Thanks for the help . (definition and rhino files attached)

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At a first look, it seems that the section should be exploded and then be joined again, but your datas are really a mess. I will have a look later this evvening on it.
Minh c'est toi? Enfin je pense que c'est toi. Si c'est le cas merci c'est cool! Oui je sais que c'est le bordel mais disons que comme je suis pas un pro j'ai tendance à faire les choses compliquées au départ et à les simplifiées. Enfin si t'arrive à y voir clair tant mieux....
C'est hallucinant que l'on se retrouve ici, (d'ailleurs je ne t'avais pas reconnu sur cette photo) c'est le projet de piscine dont Julie m'a parlé? Je regarde ça ce soir, ça n'a pas l'air compliqué mais c'est juste un peu le fouillis
c'est une vieille photo, j'ai de plus en plus de mal a me voir tel que je suis :(
Mais oui c'est bien ça! En fait c'est exactement ça, pas compliqué mais fouilli...
Toute aide sera la bienvenue l'ami!
Merci beaucoup en tout cas...
Hi thomas.

it's effectively "un peu le fouillis" and really heavy! if you look at the way your curves are organised just before you merge them, you will see that they are not in the same path. simplify path before merging to have a correct list for each group of curves. (use "special->panel" and link it to your output (the four trim components).
another problem seems to be due to the different number of rails and sections on your sweep component (because they have not been joined, but also because you didn't include angular edge of your main brep as rails)
Je n'ai pas le temps de regarder plus longtemps ta définition, mais selon moi, c'est sur ces deux points qu'il y a un soucis! Bonne chance
I might as well switch back to english too for the sake of finding as many helpful people as possible.
While writing the definition, I have thought of other methods, more simple and probably cleaner to generate the path curves, using sections on specigic surfaces instead of the projection/trim method.
It's probably going to be more efficient.
I'll keep the discussion updated whenever I get further (I actually don't have that much time to spend on that). Yann, I did find the way to concentrate a complex list of result in a single path but i can't remember how... Any clue on the button, or method to use?
t is 'Flatten' under 'Logic' tab and 'tree' tab, therefore you could try to recreate branches through Graft button.
flatten will crush your structuring. The risk is to disorganize your list. maybe "simplify" can be more recommended to make your list consistent and to keep order of your curves in anticipation of your sweep. verify you don't have null object in your tree. "prune" (component) it if necessary
I still can't get it to work, but at least I think this def is a bit clearer...
I still can't get it to work. I have used to sort item command to use only one object of both list, it still doesn't work. I have flattened the list and it doesn't work.
Once I bake both object and use the regular command sweep in rhino, it does work perfectly.
I post again the definition.
If anyone knows what's happening...

It is better to consider intersection with frame rather than projecting lines on surface

Here a first improvement, one thing you haven't consider is to check the direction of your polycurve

an other improvement is to use graft instead of flatten, but certainly the result could be the same

Next step is to avoid small curve that is actually disturbing the sweep

(je continue plus tard, je te tiens au courant)
Hi Minh!

Thanks a lot, I am working together with Thomas, and with your "graft" help and upgrading our grasshopper we have arrived to a solution! we will show you the final result!

Thanks again!






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