
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone,

I have three surfaces (in grey) and I'd live to make them unique, or at least, creat a fourth surface to connect them. I've managed to connect them by the following process: extract de isocurves of the gray surfaces, blend curves and then make the surfaces in red by surface through curve network but, as I said, I'd like something cleaner.

could anyone help me with this?

Views: 1576

Replies to This Discussion

Look pretty clean to me. How did you blend the curves?

I´ll upload some images later showing how I´ve done it.

It's called a Y-Branch. It's difficult. There are some tutorials on the Rhino wiki but no automatic tools as far as I know.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thank you David,

I had already seen this tutorial on youtube and yeah it´s difficult. Thought that there was some automatic way but I´ll stick to what I´ve acomplished.


I've checked out the video and it depends in the BlendSurface command in Rhino. Is this supposed to be able to be achieved with simpler components like Sweep within GH? (as there is no BlendSurface component in GH as far as I know)

Jesus Galvez,

I Rebuild the surfaces created via GH, rebuilt then, extracted their wireframes and then used BlendCrv to get the missing contours of the core surface.

Now I get it! When I read your post about extracting the isocurves and blending them, the first thing I thought were the perpendicular isocurves. I wasn't aware it was the other isocurves. 

Thanks Saulo





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