
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have explode an imported geometry into points and I want to create a surface or a grid or contours from these points.In other words I want to use these points to build a structure.Any ideas?

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divide it into points in grasshopper so you list is in order

As you can see in attached photo ,I have already divide it into points.But how can I list them in order?

by dividing them into points in grasshopper :D and use the grasshopper points.

I think I understand what you are saying but into grasshopper I divided can I have an isotrim division for meshes so I can cull points??

post files with a better description and diagrams. We can go from there.

this is the mesh,and the triangulation of its geometry

it's much easier if you post a rhino file and the grasshopper definition you're working wtih

rhino file

no rhino file

(upload limit is 5MB so maybe upload it to Dropbox or something and share the link)

this is the file,any ideas for a definition?






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