
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi yall
I've searched the forum with no luck, so please forgive me if this has already been asked. I have a point cloud given by a topographic survey that i would like to use to generate a surface representing the actual condition of a site. What would be the best method? I've been trying to use the Srfgrid command, but I don't really understand how to sort the points so that the surface generated is not illogical.

Thanks for all the help. Great program and great forum...


Views: 13982

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If you don't mind the surface being a mesh object, use the delaunay component grouped under the mesh tab.
maybe I'm stupid but I d=can't find this component under my mesh tab?! :(
It's a new component. Are you using the latest GH release?
The most recent one is 0.6.0019
sorry I was working on a computer with an older version. thanks for your help and understanding...
hi guys!
i am new at GH...the question may already have been posted,pardon for that ;P
i have a cloud of points;well,if i obtain a mesh object how can i proceed in order to get a surface?a mesh object intersected with a plane doesn´t give me any result...I need the output from the intersection to proceed on my work!
tnx you so much for your help!
Hi Adele,

Just to be sure. Are you using the latest version of GH (v0.7.0057)? And that you're using the delaunay Mesh and not the delaunay edges?

Otherwise If you could give a screen shot of you definition it might help getting to bottom of the problem.
Hi Danny!
tnx for your double help:words+ GHwords(=scratch!)
my definition at the moment is almost nothing:a set of referenced points.i was wrong:i used the delaunay edges,instead of the i am a step further...pfiù!
what next?i don't know the last component you dragged in the flow.10 minutes search in GH tabs:nothing..maybe is it available only in the latest version (v0.7.0057)?which I am going right now to installllllll......
tnx for theb ig help by starting my work (:P!))) )!
Your definition helped me a lot!
you´re welcome to stuttgart als dankeschön!!!:)
Hi Adele
You should be able to use the meshtonurb (or is it meshtonurbs?) command directly in rhino. I'm not sure this command is already integrated ih GH.
Hope I helped.
Good luck with your work.
i know a new command now:Meshtonurbs!;)ok!cool:)
unfortunately the mesh which GH generates is not recognized by rhino :( it seems i cannot pursue this command...uhm...che pizza!
tnx ANYWAY,thomas for your kind reply!
its Meshtonurb exactly~~good luck~~






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