
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Surface division based on UV points coordinates

Hi everyone,


I am attempting to divide a surface by using points projected onto that surface. Does anyone know a way to go about this?


I was thinking about using the UV points to then create new subdomains and then use isotrim to break up the initial surface that way. Is this possible? How would I rearrange the domain values? 


Image 1: Can I rearrange these values? By duplicating the values and then recreating UV domains?

The idea is that I've already calculated the best optimal positions for placing different glass panels on a roof based on the structure.


Image 2 I've used another surface in the effort to communicate this as easily as possible. I've projected grid points onto the surface. 

Image 3 The idea is to use these points to then create a paneling system.


But is there another way of going about this? Maybe using the points as the centre instead of the edge points? Voronoi-it up for closest distances?


Thanks guys!



Views: 5225

Replies to This Discussion

You could perhaps use a Delaunay Mesh (choose wisely the base plane), then Quadragulate it (see here), and get Faces Polylines (WeaverBird). Finally Surface Split with this bunch of curves.

Very imperfect method.





another imperfect version :-)


Best Regards




You typically get a better result if you perform the delaunay on the UV coordinates instead.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

This might sound stupid, but how come?
Thanks for the tip David, it looks better indeed.

what do you mean by delaunay on UV Coordinates?

Thanks for all the different methods. It helped me a lot in thinking about this problem.



Thanks for the quadragulate method. I hadn't thought about that. I was thinking along those lines with Voronoi or Delaunay but this seems only feasibly controllable in 2D and like you mentioned it gets imperfect quickly due to the base plane. I was also fiddling with qhull and it didn't bring any good fruits for the time spent on it. 



Hey I hadn't thought about using vertical planes to split the surface...


I guess if the projection of the points are all in the same direction (in this case vertical) then I guess using corresponding planes is a simple enough solution. 


Gee I hadn't thought about that, thanks!






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