
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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hi Mostapha Sadeghipour,

is it also possible to see an architectural project,

which has been edited with your plugin?

this would generate more incentives in order to deal with your plugin. ;-)

bissiar tashaker.


I agree with your point. Right now almost all the real architectural projects that I worked on and I used Ladybug for are still confidential! I should add a slideshow of the projects whenever they can be published!

Sepas! ;)

Hi, Mostapha. I'm trying to do a sunpath, like in your tutorial, but when i plug number slider or file path into location slot it returns an error: "Need more than one values to unpack"

Hi Niketa,

There has been few changes to SunPath component. Sunpath needs location data and not a number. Check the sunpath example file for an example (

Here is why I changed it:






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