
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, i need some help with sublisting this data, in a way i could for example interpolate n curves with 0,1,2,3 points. i am sure it has to be a very simple thing that i am not seeing, thanks.

Views: 393

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Hi Dani, I can´t see exactly what are you trying to get, but you can use Path Mapper with notations like this one. New Path mapper has some new features, chek this   

ok, very similar to what i am looking for, but the thing is i have a list not just like (0,n), its like (0;0)...(0;3),(1;0)...(1;3), (2;0)...(2;3), etc

ok, i got it, using path mapper, going from (A;B) to (A)

thank you!






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