How exactly are you looking to subdivide? Without defining exactly how your looking to subdivide, it makes it hard to actually put one together. Subdividing each subsequent step (ie 1, .5, .25, .125, etc) isn't hard and can be done with a few quick components.
How? I have no idea how to construct that together.
Lets say from each end of a curve to the center the
subdivision gets denser so you will have more planks
at the center of the curve while to the end of the
planks the amount of planks gets more spars.
In an ideal situation the distance between the planks
should remain the same which would mean that
the denser the planks amount gets the smaller in width
and the more you get to the end of a curve the planks
get wider.
Here's a more complicated definition that you might want to look at... sorry it's not annotated very well.
the base curve is divided into segments based on local curvature - greater curvature equals more subdivisions (this is the complicated part).
once you have the division points, you can create boxes based on a set width and thickness, and define the length by the distance between division points (minus your gap width).