
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Anyone have an idea how to implement voroni diagrams to find the Center Axis of a Street having a cad file with the squares of the Site´s

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Actually, this will do the same thing.

Ching thanks for your help, that´s exactly what i was looking for. 

i guess that i will need to take some GH classes  

Ching i clean up a little bit your definition to improve its performance, in time consuming i think that there's a little bit of redundancy about the management of the Data Trees, now i see that the smoothness of the Center Line depends of the first division to have a smooth line we need too much division = too much time to calculating, now i'm working on refine the definition to make it work smooth and low calculus consuming and reshaping the corners of the original polygons 

Actually the 500 in the yellow panel needs to be entered in the path mapper after the voronoi in the {i\500} as well. (Change i\100 to i\500)

you are right i miss this part thanks for the observation 






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