
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Anyone have an idea how to implement voroni diagrams to find the Center Axis of a Street having a cad file with the squares of the Site´s

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Can you post some pictures please?

like using the centroid of each site as a voronoi point? It depends how the sites are arranged


michael i'm not sure cuz the lines are not correctly 

select all in Rhino and join them and then use CloseCrv, then project them all to the construction plane and delete the originals, so you can make planar surfaces of all of them

all are joined, closed, and projected to the Cplane 

in the screen shot that you attached it's actually working i think...

because the streets are basically a grid the voronoi diagram will also approximate to a grid

the screenshot its the representation of the reality of a part of the city of buenos aires, the streets are not really a straight grid i guess so i dont know whats going on with voroni but its betraying me 

run the curves through a planarSrf component, and then use Area to get the centroid, and use those for the voronoi

you can use area on closed curves to. Its not the issue. The issue is that voronoi is a perfect radius from each point. those "sites" are not perfect as say a bunch of the same rectangle arrayed and evenly spaced. I dont think voronoi is the answer, maybe im wrong.

the brep component do the same that planar surface, give me the same results if i pass the curves through a planarsrf 

i start to think that voroni its not the answer to, my mind its burned today i will think tomorrow, anothe way of achieve the goal that i need :S  GH drive me to the madness jejejej






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