
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I find it sad that stream gate and stream filter cannot operate with a tree as a gate.

In particular, how could I emulate a stream filter that could operate on a data tree ?

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...I guess I could do this :

...but it's quite atrocious.

These days I recommend using the [Sift] [Combine] pattern. It is the latest iteration of how-to-split--data-into-different-parts and seems to work best. Of course maybe you only need [Sift], but [Combine] allows you to reassemble the different streams correctly.

You're not the first and only person to be "sad" about this.  But really, please, don't start a new thread for every single frustrating quirk about GH that you discover.  GH is what it is and we cope with it.

Oh, and once again, please POST CODE/DATA with your questions!  It saves a lot of time and trouble.  Trust me on this.

Hi Joseph,

I will just go on saying exactly what I please.

This is how software gets improved, and since there is no forum yet for GH2, I will weigh on every single nit-pick that I will find.

Regarding code, I agree that I should post more.

Whine away, if you must.  GH1 won't change.  Anyone who has made a serious effort to understand Grasshopper and create complex models has been frustrated many times by its weird quirks.  Eventually, ways are found to get the job done, often by studying the way other people have solved similar problems.  We've been there, done that and are here to help.

If you focus on specifics and provide code/data for others to work with, you will get answers.  Maybe not what you expect or wish for, weird and complex as they can be at times, but GH solutions can be incredibly powerful.

Hello Joseph,

I know that GH1 won't change, but GH2 is in the womb.

While I admire and am grateful to kind experts like you for their patience,  I hope that GH2 will not require wierd and complex component layouts to perform otherwise simple goals

(Better in-context help would'nt hurt either).

Being a wizard, you seem to have forgotten how frustrating it used to be when encountering those "Hey ! This should make sense ! Why isn't it working ?" moments.

Passed the first period of marvel over apparent ease to build complex objects, Grasshopper users hit the obstacles of tree management and are decimated like baby sea turtles.

Those who are not will take a long time before they they can even start to comprehend the workarounds proposed by gurus like you.

Sorry, that is not satisfying, hence the (hopefully constructive) whining.

I feel your pain and surely expressed some of the same frustrations on this forum when I was getting started.  Having been a programmer for many decades and learned quite a few conventional programming languages and frameworks along the way, the inability to do simple things like looping, code branching and even text manipulation was a bit shocking at first.

On the other hand, I've never worked with any system that uses data trees and lists the way GH does, so wasn't used to considering the consequences of traditional methods on that amazing functionality.  I also wasn't used to programming with geometry, curve directions, UV surfaces and so many other aspects of parametric CAD that GH handles rather well - once you begin to understand these things.

Things get messy for many reasons, quite often because the approach to creating the model results in fragmented curves, out of sequence, missing or mis-placed bits, etc., that people jump through hoops to deal with.  Eventually, one learns to avoid messes in the first place by creating "clean" models that are well-behaved by design, avoiding common pitfalls.

I don't consider myself an expert, wizard or guru at all.  Far from it.  I just have too much free time on my hands and enjoy spending it here, solving puzzles, trying to help where I can and learning from reading other people's code.  There are a lot of clever "tricks" for handling common problems that amaze me when I see them.

I see from your profile page that you've been on this forum since 2009, using Grasshopper five years longer than I have.  Far from being a GH "newbie"!  You must know there are threads dedicated to suggestions for improving GH, and I'm sure there are threads somewhere devoted to GH2?  Wouldn't those be better places for expressing dissatisfaction and/or better ideas?

I guess I'm just more focused here on solving problems using GH as it exists now.

Hi Joseph.

And thanks for the kind reply. 

I have been using Grasshopper for a long time indeed. David was even an intern in a place where I used to work before he had the idea for GH !

As chaos theory would put it, if I didn't have this kebab with him once, GH could have never existed !!! :)

Yet, for many years, I was pressed by mundane tasks "due yesterday" and never got time to dig deeper in GH, marveling at the accomplishments of folks on the forum.

Now I am almost full-time on GH : I do productivity tools for SMC2, and on "off" days, I program my robot Wall-E.

I haven't found any GH2-dedicated area on this forum.

I see that there is a "Grasshopper" section on the Rhino Discourse forum, but nothing specific to GH2.

Cheers !

As chaos theory would put it, if I didn't have this kebab with him once, GH could have never existed !!! :)

Maybe if I hadn't gotten your bike stolen outside the apartment GH would never have existed. Would be nice to think something good came out of it.

I see that there is a "Grasshopper" section on the Rhino Discourse forum, but nothing specific to GH2.

We actually added a Grasshopper2 category to discourse 1~2 weeks ago, but I haven't posted anything in it yet.

Maybe if I hadn't gotten your bike stolen outside the apartment GH would never have existed. Would be nice to think something good came out of it.

Funny how the French Guy remembers the snack and the Dutch guy remembers the bicycle :)

We actually added a Grasshopper2 category to discourse 1~2 weeks ago, but I haven't posted anything in it yet.

Errr... I can't find it. Is it because it is empty that it is not listed ?

In contrast with Joseph, I am a sucker for the next best thing. 

I hold a reservation for a Model 3 for instance, and therefore despise my current car.

I have a 6 axis robot arm ; wish it was bigger.

I'm the anti-Buddhist of tech, always unhappy with my current lot.

I digress... So where can one place his wishes and suggestions for GH2 ?







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